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At Dogwood Animal Hospital, we offer a variety of diagnostic testing, such as bloodwork, radiographs (x-rays), ultrasounds, and cytology. 


Most bloodwork is run in-house, with results being ready within 10-15 minutes. Examples are heartworm tests, complete blood counts (CBC), chemistry panels and more. 

Samples for more advanced testing, such as neurologic conditions and specific endocrine diseases are sent to outside laboratories. 


Radiographs are highly effective for diagnosing many health problems such as broken bones, bladder stones, and congestive heart failure. We offer digital radiography, providing us with high quality images in a matter of seconds. Radiographs are interpreted immediately, giving you the peace of mind of knowing what is going on with your pet during the office visit. 


Whereas radiographs are good for big picture diagnoses, ultrasound is great for the finer details. We utilize ultrasound to capture detailed images of specific organs and to guide fine needle aspirates of structures such as the liver and kidneys. 


Cytology is typically performed with your pet fully awake, however, sedation may be required when aspirating abdominal organs such as the liver. Cytology samples are interpreted in-house meaning you get results right away, giving you the answers you need before you leave the office.